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Thursday 28 July 2016

How To Hack Any Wifi Network Password Using Cmd

Sometimes you might be frustrated especially when your system detect a wifi network but you are restricted from accessing it due to users password, now i can teach you a simple trick to hack the password.

step one

Go to command prompt, click start up menu on your system, click RUN, type Cmd, and click ok to open the command prompt

step two

inside the command prompt, type the following

netsh wlan show networks
mode = bssid(it will show all the available wifi network, take note of the names)

step 3

To connect to the wifi network, type the following

netsh wlan connect
name= (put the name of wifi your system detect)
e.g net wlan connect
name = (kinibigdeal pc)

step 4

press enter to connect

step 5

To disconnect it, type 

netsh wlan disconnect

step 6

To save it type : netsh wlan export profile name = kinibigdeal( not by name but change it to the name of the detected wifi)

How to Hack any wifi Network Password by using Cmd:

Sometimes you might be frustrated especially when your system detect a wifi network but you are restricted from accessing it due to users password, now i can teach you a simple trick to hack the password.

step one

Go to command prompt, click start up menu on your system, click RUN, type Cmd, and click ok to open the command prompt

step two

inside the command prompt, type the following

netsh wlan show networks
mode = bssid(it will show all the available wifi network, take note of the names)

step 3

To connect to the wifi network, type the following

netsh wlan connect
name= (put the name of wifi your system detect)
e.g net wlan connect
name = (kinibigdeal pc)

step 4

press enter to connect

step 5

To disconnect it, type 

netsh wlan disconnect

step 6

To save it type : netsh wlan export profile name = kinibigdeal( not by name but change it to the name of the detected wifi)

What is the difference between RIP, IGRP and EIGRP?

RIP, IGRP and EIGRP are different routing protocols. RIP stands for Routing Information Protocol; IGRP stands for Interior Gateway Routing Protocol; and EIGRP stands for Enhanced IGRP.
The main difference being RIP and IGRP are distance vector protocols; EIGRP is more of link state protocol. Then there is a difference in their operations, times (like updates, refreshes, etc.), how they keep track of routing tables, etc. I talk more about routing protocol's different routing tables  in this expert response.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Difference Between WCDMA and GSM

WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiplexing Access) and GSM are two technologies that are used in mobile telecommunications. The difference between these two is that GSM

 is a 2G technology and WCDMA is a part of the newer 3G group of technologies. Being newer and more advanced, WCDMA is now the technology that people want and it is slowly being deployed in a lot of areas that are already being occupied by GSM. Sooner or later, the WCDMA network would equal the coverage of GSM, making the GSM network redundant. With this said, it is clear that the GSM network is slowly being phased out and replaced with the newer and better WCDMA. But for now, GSM is still the most widespread technology that is used in the whole world. Surpassing all other 2G and 3G alternatives.
The primary reason why telecommunications companies are having problems with rapidly deploying is the difference in the frequency bands they use. Because of this, GSM only phones, cannot communicate with WCDMA only networks and vice versa. In order to circumvent this, it has become common for most phone manufacturers to include multiple frequency bands for both 2G networks and 3G networks. This ensures that their mobile phones can be used in almost any network and any location in the world. Telecommunications companies need to deploy a WCDMA network over their existing GSM network to provide 3G services while still maintaining compatibility with older mobile phones that are not compatible with WCDMA.
Although WCDMA support has become quite common in most mobile phones, there are still some models that do not support it. When you are buying a mobile phone, you should look at its specifications in order to make sure that it supports WCDMA and the frequencies available in your area. This is to ensure that you can use it in your country’s networks. Even non-GSM networks are choosing to add WCDMA support as it is the most popular 3G technology. Sooner or later older and competing network standards, namely GSM, CDMA, and EV-DO, would probably be phased out and replaced with WCDMA.
1.WCDMA is a 3G technology while GSM is a 2G technology
2.GSM is slowly being phased out in favor of CDMA
3.GSM is still more widespread than CDMA
4.WCDMA and GSM uses different frequency bands
5.WCDMA offers much faster data speeds than GSM
6.WCDMA would soon replace GSM


TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) and FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing) are two methods of multiplexing multiple signals into a single carrier. Multiplexing is the process of combining multiple signals into one, in such a manner that each individual signal can be retrieved at the destination. Since multiple signals are occupying the channel, they need to share the resource in some manner. The primary difference between FDM and TDM is how they divide the channel. FDM divides the channel into two or more frequency ranges that do not overlap, while TDM divides and allocates certain time periods to each channel in an alternating manner. Due to this fact, we can say that for TDM, each signal uses all of the bandwidth some of the time, while for FDM, each signal uses a small portion of the bandwidth all of the time.
TDM provides greater flexibility and efficiency, by dynamically allocating more time periods to the signals that need more of the bandwidth, while reducing the time periods to those signals that do not need it. FDM lacks this type of flexibility, as it cannot dynamically change the width of the allocated frequency.

The advantage of FDM over TDM is in latency. Latency is the time it takes for the data to reach its destination. As TDM allocates time periods, only one channel can transmit at a given time, and some data would often be delayed, though it’s often only in milliseconds. Since channels in FDM can transmit at any time, their latencies would be much lower compared to TDM. FDM is often used in applications where latency is of utmost priority, such as those that require real-time information.
FDM and TDM are often used in tandem, to create even more channels in a given frequency range. The common practice is to divide the channel with FDM, so that you have a dedicated channel with a smaller frequency range. Each of the FDM channels is then occupied by multiple channels that are multiplexed using TDM. This is what telecoms do to allow a huge number of users to use a certain frequency band.
1. FDM divides the channel into multiple, but smaller frequency ranges to accommodate more users, while TDM divides a channel by allocating a time period for each channel.
2. TDM provides much better flexibility compared to FDM.
3. FDM proves much better latency compared to TDM.
4. TDM and FDM can be used in tandem.

Sunday 24 July 2016

IPTV (Internet Protocol television)

IPTV (Internet Protocol television) is the delivery of programming by video stream encoded as a series of IP packets. IPTV is distributed by a service provider and can be free or fee-based and can deliver either live TV or stored video. It can be bundled with other Internet Protocol services, including Voip
 and high-speed Internet access.

In traditional television delivery, all programming is broadcast simultaneously. The available program signals flow downstream and the viewer selects which program he wants to watch by changing the channel.

IPTV, by contrast, sends only one program at a time. Content remains on the service provider's network and only the program the customer selects is sent to the home. When a viewer changes the channel, a new stream is transmitted from the provider's server directly to the viewer. Like cable TV, IPTV requires a set-top box.

CCNA Short Questions

Friday 22 July 2016

Difference between hub and switch

Difference between hub and switch

Network Hub

A network hub is designed to connect computers to each other with no real understanding of what it is transferring. Typically, a network hub is used for a private network, one that does not have any connections to sources other than local computers (meaning, no Internet access). When a hub receives a packet of data from a connected device, it broadcasts that data packet to all other connected devices regardless of which one ends up being the final destination. Additionally, network bandwidth is split between all of the connected computers. So, the more computer that are connected, the less bandwidth that is available for each computer, which means slower connection speeds.

Network Switch

A network switch also connects computers to each other, like a hub. Where the switch differs from a hub is in the way it handles packets of data. When a switch receives a packet of data, it determines what computer or device the packet is intended for and sends it to that computer only. It does not broadcast the packet to all computers as a hub does which means bandwidth is not shared and makes the network much more efficient. For this reason alone, switches are usually preferred over a hub.

OSI Model layers

The OSI model open system interconnection model defines network to implement protocols in seven layer.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Router vs Switch vs Hub: The Devices Defined

Router vs Switch vs Hub: The Devices Defined

The functions of the three devices — the router, switch and hub — are all quite different from one another, even if at times they are all integrated into a single device. Which device do you use when?
What is a Router?
device that forwards data packets along networks. A router is connected to at least two networks, commonly two LANs or WANs or a LAN and its ISP.s network. Routers are located at gateways, the places where two or more networks connect. Routers use headers and forwarding tables to determine the best path for forwarding the packets, and they use protocols such as ICMP to communicate with each other and configure the best route between any two hosts.

What is a Switch?

In networks, a device that filters and forwards packets between LAN segments. Switches operate at the data link layer (layer 2) and sometimes the network layer (layer 3) of the OSI Reference Model and therefore support any packet protocol. LANs that use switches to join segments are called switched LANs or, in the case of Ethernet networks, switched Ethernet LANs.

Finally, what is a Hub?

A common connection point for devices in a network. Hubs are commonly used to connect segments of aLAN. A hub contains multiple ports. When a packet arrives at one port, it is copied to the other ports so that all segments of the LAN can see all packets.

The Differences Between a Router, Switch and Hub on the Network

Today most routers have become something of a Swiss Army knife, combining the features and functionality of a router and switch/hub into a single unit. So conversations regarding these devices can be a bit misleading — especially to someone new to computer networking.
The functions of a router, hub and a switch are all quite different from one another, even if at times they are all integrated into a single device. Let's start with the hub and the switch since these two devices have similar roles on the network.

Hub vs Switch: Similar Roles

Each serves as a central connection for all of your network equipment and handles a data type known as frames. Frames carry your data. When a frame is received, it is amplified and then transmitted on to the port of the destination PC. The big difference between these two devices is in the method in which frames are being delivered.

In a hub, a frame is passed along or "broadcast" to every one of its ports. It doesn't matter that the frame is only destined for one port. The hub has no way of distinguishing which port a frame should be sent to. Passing it along to every port ensures that it will reach its intended destination. This places a lot of traffic on the network and can lead to poor network response times.

Additionally, a 10/100Mbps hub must share its bandwidth with each and every one of its ports. So when only one PC is broadcasting, it will have access to the maximum available bandwidth. If, however, multiple PCs are broadcasting, then that bandwidth will need to be divided among all of those systems, which will degrade performance.

A switch, however, keeps a record of the MAC addresses of all the devices connected to it. With this information, a switch can identify which system is sitting on which port. So when a frame is received, it knows exactly which port to send it to, without significantly increasing network response times. And, unlike a hub, a 10/100Mbps switch will allocate a full 10/100Mbps to each of its ports. So regardless of the number of PCs transmitting, users will always have access to the maximum amount of bandwidth. It's for these reasons a switch is considered to be a much better choice than a hub.

Routers are Completely Different Devices

Routers are completely different devices. Where a hub or switch is concerned with transmitting frames, a router's job, as its name implies, is to route packets to other networks until that packet ultimately reaches its destination. One of the key features of a packet is that it not only contains data, but the destination address of where it's going.

A router is typically connected to at least two networks, commonly two Local Area Networks (LANs) or Wide Area Networks (WAN) or a LAN and its ISP's network . for example, your PC or workgroup and EarthLink. Routers are located at gateways, the places where two or more networks connect. Using headers and forwarding tables, routers determine the best path for forwarding the packets. Router use protocols such as ICMP to communicate with each other and configure the best route between any two hosts.

Features of Integrated Routers

Today, a wide variety of services are integrated into most broadband routers. A router will typically include a 4 - 8 port Ethernet switch (or hub) and a Network Address Translator (NAT). In addition, they usually include a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server, Domain Name Service (DNS) proxy server and a hardware firewall to protect the LAN from malicious intrusion from the Internet.

All routers have a WAN Port that connects to a DSL or cable modem for broadband Internet service and the integrated switch allows users to easily create a LAN. This allows all the PCs on the LAN to have access to the Internet and Windows file and printer sharing services.
Routers might have a single WAN port and a single LAN port and are designed to connect an existing LAN hub or switch to a WAN. Ethernet switches and hubs can be connected to a router with multiple PC ports to expand a LAN. Depending on the capabilities (kinds of available ports) of the router and the switches or hubs, the connection between the router and switches/hubs may require either straight-thru or crossover (null-modem) cables. Some routers even have USB ports, and more commonly, wireless access points built into them.

Some of the more high-end or business class routers will also incorporate a serial port that can be connected to an external dial-up modem, which is useful as a backup in the event that the primary broadband connection goes down, as well as a built in LAN printer server and printer port.

Besides the inherent protection features provided by the NAT, many routers will also have a built-in, configurable, hardware-based firewall. Firewall capabilities can range from the very basic to quite sophisticated devices. Among the capabilities found on leading routers are those that permit configuring TCP/UDP ports for games, chat services, and the like, on the LAN behind the firewall.

So, in short, a hub glues together an Ethernet network segment, a switch can connect multiple Ethernet segments more efficiently and a router can do those functions plus route TCP/IP packets between multiple LANs and/or WANs; and much more of course.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

5G technology

5G is the coming fifth-generation wireless broadband technology based on the IEEE 802.11ac standard.

5G will provide better speeds and coverage than the current 4G. 5G operates with a 5Ghz signal and is set to offer speeds of up to 1 Gb/s for tens of connections or tens of Mb/s for tens of thousands of connections. Huawei, a major player in the Chinese mobile market, believes 5G will provide speeds 100x faster than 4G LTE offers. 5G also increases network expandability up to hundreds of thousands of connections.

The signal technology of 5G has also been improved for greater coverage as well as spectral and signaling efficiency. These improvements stand to further enable changes like pervasive computing and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Although 5G is not scheduled for launch until 2020, some manufacturers are already incorporating elements of the coming standard's specifications into their

Network topology

Network Topology

Computers in a network have to be connected in some logical manner. The layout pattern of the interconnections between computers in a network is called network topology. You can think of topology as the virtual shape or structure of the network. Network topology is also referred to as 'network architecture.'
Devices on the network are referred to as 'nodes.' The most common nodes are computers and peripheral devices. Network topology is illustrated by showing these nodes and their connections using cables. There are a number of different types of network topologies, including point-to-point, bus, star, ring, mesh, tree and hybrid. Let's review these main types.


Point-to-point topology is the simplest of all the network topologies. The network consists of a direct link between two computers. This is faster and more reliable than other types of connections since there is a direct connection. The disadvantage is that it can only be used for small areas where computers are in close proximity.


Bus topology uses one main cable to which all nodes are directly connected. The main cable acts as a backbone for the network. One of the computers in the network typically acts as the computer server. The first advantage of bus topology is that it is easy to connect a computer or peripheral device. The second advantage is that the cable requirements are relatively small, resulting in lower cost.
One of the disadvantages is that if the main cable breaks, the entire network goes down. This type of network is also difficult to troubleshoot. For these reasons, this type of topology is not used for large networks, such as those covering an entire building.


In star topology, each computer is connected to a central hub using a point-to-point connection. The central hub can be a computer server that manages the network, or it can be a much simpler device that only makes the connections between computers over the network possible.
Star topology is very popular because the startup costs are low. It is also easy to add new nodes to the network. The network is robust in the sense that if one connection between a computer and the hub fails, the other connections remain intact. If the central hub fails, however, the entire network goes down. It also requires more cable than bus topology and is, therefore, more expensive.


In ring topology, the computers in the network are connected in a circular fashion, and the data travels in one direction. Each computer is directly connected to the next computer, forming a single pathway for signals through the network. This type of network is easy to install and manage.
If there's a problem in the network, it is easy to pinpoint which connection is defective. It is also good for handling high-volume traffic over long distances since every computer can act as a booster of the signal. On the downside, adding computers to this type of network is more cumbersome, and if one single computer fails, the entire network goes down.


Network topology is the arrangement of the various elements (links, nodes, etc.) of a computer network. Essentially, it is the topological structure of a network and may be depicted physically or logically

Monday 18 July 2016

Difference between Data and information

Main difference:

The major difference between data and information is that data is raw material that is to be processed and information is the processed data.

Data VS Information


Data is the raw material that is to be processed for information or for collection of details. It is unorganized data or facts that are to be processed. Data is plain fact and it has to be processed for further information. Data is alone enough to get details and find the meaning of something. Data is the computers language. Data is useless unless it is processed or has been made into something. Data has no meaning when it has not been interpreted. Data is an unclear definition of words jumbled up to form one meaning of something. Data comes in figures, dates and numbers and is not processed.


Information is processed data. The data that can be made useful is known as information. Information is basically the data plus the meaning of what the data was collected for. Data does not depend upon information but information depends upon data. It cannot be generated without the help of data. Information is something that is being conveyed. Information is meaningful when data is gathered and meaning is generated. Information cannot be generated without the help of data. Information is the meaning that has been formed with the help of data and that meaning makes sense because of the data that has been collected against the word. Information is processed and comes in a meaningful form.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

CCNA commands and explanation


#sh ip route - To view IP routing tables created on a Cisco router.

v  Static Routing- Routers are manually configured for networks that are not directly connected, to be able to route to all networks via the next-hop interface.

Example- Let be the IP of a network not directly connected Let be the next hop interface

(config)#ip route

v  To remove static route

(config)#no ip route

v  Default Routing- Used on stub networks only to send packets with remote destination network not in the routing table to the next hop router.

(Assume IP is not in routing table)

v  first remove static route

(config)#no ip route
            (config)#ip route

v  RIP-A distance vector routing protocol that passes complete routing table contents to neighbouring routers

Example- Let & be directly connected networks of a router interfaces and be non-directly connected

v  first delete all static routes

(config)#no ip route
(config)#router rip

v Verifying RIP   
     1.Sh ip route
     2.debug ip

v  Holding Down RIP Propagation-To stop RIP update sending but allow its receipt -say for s0/0 with ip
(config)#router rip
(config-router)#passive-interface serial 0/0
v  IGRP-Also a distance routing protocol

Example- Let & be directly connected networks of a router interfaces with autonomous system number of 10 and be non-directly connected

#router igrp 10

v  Verifying IGRP ip route protocols- Displays routed protocols and their interfaces ip protocols- Displays routing protocols configured
    4.debug igrp events- Displays summary of IGRP routing information running on the network
    5.debug igrp transactions- Displays messages request from neighbour routers

v  Turning off all possible debugging #un all

v  EIGRP-Uses classless routing which is subnet mask information sent with routing protocol updates.

Example- Let & be directly connected networks of a router interfaces with autonomous system number of 20 and be non-directly connected

#router eigrp 20

v  To stop EIGRP from working on an interface-no sending no receipt (config)#router eigrp 20

(config-router)#passive-interface serial 0/0

v  To enable EIGRP on discontiguos networks(two different subnetworks of classfull network connected by another different classful subnetwork)

Example- Let & be directly connected to a router to another remote subnetwork of, then to enable EIGRP, we use

(config)#router eigrp 100
(config-router)#no auto-summary

v  N.B-The no auto-summary command sholuld be enabled in routers that encloses such networks.

v  Verifying EIGRP 
1.1.   sh ip route- Shows entire routing table
1.2.   sh ip route eigrp- Shows only EIGRP entries in the routing table
1.3.   ip eigrp neighbours- Shows all EIGRP neighbours
1.4.   ip eigrp topology- Shows entries in the EIGRP topology table

v  OSPF- A link-state routing protocol

Example- Let be the network directly connected to the router upon which OSPF is to be enabled; with ospf ID of 1 and area o

(config)#router ospf 1

(config-router)#network area0

v  Loopback Interface- They are configured to be used as the routers RID to advertise the routes and elect DR and BDR.

Example- Let the loopback iinterface be configured on interface with ip
(config)#int loopback 0
(config-if)#ip address
(config-if)#no shut

v  Verifying OSPF Configuration

1.1.   sho ip ospf- Used to display all OSPF information
1.2.   sho ip ospf database- indicates the number of links and neighboring router ID
1.3.   sho ip ospf interface- Displays all OSPF interface related info
1.4.   sho ip ospf neighbour- Summarizes OSPF info about neighbours
1.5.   sho ip protocols- Overview of all present running protocols

v  Verifying Loopback and RID

  1. sho running-config- To verify loopback address
  2. sho ip ospf database- Verifies the new RID of each router
  3. sho ip ospf interface- Verifies the new RID of each router

v  Initial configuration of a 1900 Switch with ip
#config t
(config)#enable password level 1 kennifeh
(config)#enable password level 15 kennifeh 1
(config)#enable secret kennifeh 2 (when enabled no need 4 enable password) (config)#hostname kenn 1900
(config)#ip address
(config)#ip default-gateway (config)#int f0/1
(config-if)#description Finance_vlan (No space for 1900)
(config-if)#int f0/26
(config-if)#description Trunk_to_Biulding

v  Initail Configuration of 2950 Switch with ip
 #config t(config)#hostame kenn2950
(config)#enable password kenn

      (config)#enable password kenn1 (enable and enable secret password must be different)
      (config)#line vty 0 15
      (config-line)#password telnet
      (config-line)#line con 0
      (config-line)#password console
      (config)#int vlan 1
      (config-if)#ip address
      (config-if)#no shut
      (config-if)#int f0/1
(config-if)#description sales printer(with space)
 (config-if)#int f0/12
 (config-if)description connection to backbone
 (config)#ip default-gateway
v  Erasing Switching Configuration 1900

#delete nvram yes

v  Erasing Switching Configuration 2950

#erase startup-config Enter

v  Configuring VLANS 1900

>en #config t
(config)#vlan 2 name Cisco
(config)#vlan 3 name Microsoft
(config)#vlan 4 name Comptia

v  verify with command sh run
Configuring for 2950
#vlan database
(vlan)#vlan 2 name Cisco
(vlan)#vlan 3 name Microsoft
(vlan)#vlan 4 name Comptia (vlan)#apply

v  Verify with command sh vlan brief
      Assigning Switch Ports To Vlan-1900

(config)#int e0/2
(config-if)#vlan-membership static 2
(config-if)#int e0/3
(config-if)#vlan-membership static 3

v  Verify with sh vlan
     Assigning Switch Ports To Vlan-2950
      (config)#int f0/2
      (config-if)#switchport access vlan 2
      (config-if)#int f0/3
      (config-t)#switchport access vlan 3
      (config-if)#int f0/4
      (config-if)#switchport access vlan 4
      (config-if)#verify with sh vlan brief

v  Configuring Trunks ports

(config)#int f0/26
(config-if)#trunk on

v  Configuring Trunk Ports for 2950

(config)#int f0/12
(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
v  To disable Trunk use- switchport mode access
v  To verify Trunking use sh running config
v  Configuring Inter-vlan Routing for 1900 connecting to 2600

(config)#int f0/0.1
(config-if)#encapsulation isl vlan (d number)
v  Configuring Inter-vlan Routing for 2950 connecting to 2600
(config)#int f0/0.1
(config-if)#encapsulation dot1q vlan (d number)

v  Configuring VTP for 1900
(config)#vtp server
(config)vtp domain kenn
(config)#vtp password kenn

v  Configuring VTP for 2950

(config)#vtp mode server
(config)#vtp domain routersim

v  Verify with sh vtp status
v  Checking the Current Configuration Register Values
v  Show version or show ver
v  Changing Configuration Register

(config)#config-register 0x101 (d default is 0x2102) (config)#^z

v  Recovering Passwords

1.      Interrupt the Router Boot Sequene

ctrl+Break key (windows wont perform break key, only 95/98)

2. Changing the configuration register -for 2600 series router
     rammon>confreg 0x2142
3. for 2500
type 0 after a break and enter the command o/r 0x2142
4. Reloading the Router and Entering Privilged mode -for 2600-type reset

5. Viewing and changing the    configuration -copy run start

6. Resetting the configuration Register and Reloading the    Router -config t

v  Backing up and restoring the Cisco ios
 verifying flash memory-Ensuring flash memory has enough

room router#sh flash

v  Backing-up the ciso ios

first verify server connectivity by-
router#copy flash tftp
v  Restoring or upgrading the cisco router

ios router#copy tftp flash


v  Backing up and Restoring the Cisco configuration

Ø  Backing up the cisco router configuration -copy runing config tftp
Ø  Verifying the current configuration -sh run
Ø  copying the current cofiguration to NVRAM -copy run start
Ø  copying the current configuration to a TFTP server -copy run TFTP
Ø  Restoring the Cisco Router Configuration

Ø  copy TFTP run
Ø  Erasing the configuration -erase startup-config

v  Getting CDP timers and Holdtime

information Router#config t

Router(config)#cdp timer 90
Router(config)#cdp holdtime 240

v  To turn-off CDP Completely-no cdp run
v  Gathering Neighbour information

kenn2509#sh cdp nei
Ø  delivers information about directly connected devices OR kenn2509#sh cdp neighbour
Ø  detail Also sh cdp entry

v  Gathering Interface Traffic Information kenn2509#sh cdp traffic
v  Gathering port and Interface
 information kenn2509#sh cdp interface

v  To turn off cdp on a router, use no cdp enable then ^z

v  Using Telnet

v  Telnetting into multiple devices
simultaneously kenn2509#telnet

     then,  2501B>{cntl+shift+6, then x}
v  Checking Telnet connections

kenn2509#sh sessions-connections from your router to remote

v  Checking Telnet users
kenn2509#sh user

v  Closing Telnet sessions
1900switch>exit OR

kenn2509#disconnect1 (num of active networks)

v  Resolving Hostname
kenn2509#config t

kenn2509(config)#ip host 2501B
kenn2509(config)#ip host 1900switch

v  To remove a hostname from a table, use
RouterA(config)#no ip host routerB

v  Using DNS to resolve names
#config t

(config)#ip domain-lookup (usually turned on by default)
(config)#ip name-server (ip of an assumed DNS set)
(config)#ip domain-name (Appends the domain name to a host)

v  Check Network Connectivity use ping command

#ping kenn2509

v  Using Traceroute command #trace 2501B

v  Creating a Standard Access Lists (1-99 or 1,300-1,999)
(config)#access-list 10 deny (using the ip as a test)

v  Controlling vty(Telnet) sessions
(config)#access-list 50 permit
(config)#line vty 0 4
(config-line)#access-class 50 in

v  Creating Extended Access-lists (100 to 199) OR (2000 to 2699)

(config)#access-list 110 deny tcp any host eq 23 log (config)#access-list 110 permit ip any any

(config)#int f0/0
(config-if)#ip access-group 110 in
(config-if)#ipaccess-group 110 out